Saturday, September 3, 2011

Getting Ready to Walk

Katie is getting ready to walk. She is strong and is standing more, cruising more and taking a few steps here and there. She will stand up in the middle of the room and take 2-4 steps, but it is random and ONLY when she wants to. Of course, she won't take steps once I get out the camera! Katie doesn't stop moving. She is scooting, froggy hopping, climbing, cruising, swinging or sliding all day long. She loves to copy her big brothers and tries to keep up with the kids. She loves to go outside whenever there is an open door! She is getting stronger every day! Katie can climb up her little slide and slide down by herself over and over again. Today she mastered climbing into the big swing set clubhouse. She is improving in fine motor with big beads and peg boards. She loves to color!! Katie's vocab is expanding daily. She really can communicate quite well. She is excited when you understand her. She is VERY, VERY opinionated!!!! Katie loves to bounce, dance and act silly. She is amazing!!!! When she is screaming because she is not getting her way, I have to give thanks that she cares and knows and is aware. I thank God that she has made such great progress!!! She has come a long way since last year this time!!!
We can pray that Katie's vision is improving greatly daily, pray for her depth perception, nystagmus, and that her vision is not impeding her not walking. Pray for her reflexes, for her safety, she will need to catch herself if she falls while walking, but her reflexes are slow and her left arm is really slow sometimes. Katie needs to continue to strengthen her hip muscles and improve her balance. Pray for Katie's appointment with on September 23 with orthopedic. Pray for Katie's Optomolgist appointment on October 14. Gives thanks!!!!! Thank YOU for all your prayers!!!

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