Wednesday, June 23, 2010

On May 30th I was dedicated at my church! My parents are devoted to raise me to know the Lord and His Love and how to live my life for Him. I am blessed to have such a great and Godly family!
I have an OT appointment in July, and in late July I see my Nuerologist and have my 6 Month check up. I am doing well! I have a small cold and cough, but am otherwise healthy! I am strong, but I still need to work on equal movement on my right and left side. I am making progress but there are a few warning signs that if not worked on could cause delays to crawling. My parents are working hard to get me therapy, not just monitoring visits. California Children's Services or CCS has services available but I was denied the first time. We are in the process of reappling with more doctors notes to back up my need for services. We are praying for occupational therapy, physical therapy and vision therapy! Please pray too! But at this time we would be happy with any therapy! My vision is making progress but still delayed. Just keep praying and thank you for all your prayers!
I also want to thank my friend who is a physical therapist for offering to work with Katie once a week until she qualifies for services. Thank you! Even the smallest answered prayer is a wonderful blessing! But pray big!!!