Monday, January 9, 2012


Today we went to eye dr to follow up on Katie's eye crossing. He immediately noticed the eye crossing had increased and said he'd dialate her eyes then we'd talk about what to do after. He looked at her eyes and reconfirmed that she has no prescription and does not need glasses. Katie's vision delays are related to her brain damage not her eyes. He said Katie will more than likely need eye surgery to correct her eye crossing. In the meantime we have to patch her right eye for an hour a day for 8 weeks!! This will be an immensely long 8 weeks. The Dr is wanting to get a better idea of both eyes and their muscles during these 8 weeks. He doesn't want to correct only the left eye to have the right start to cross after the surgery and need more surgery. Please pray! Pray Katie accepts and adapts to wearing the patch well and quickly! Pray for our patience, endurance and strength during these 8 weeks and through the surgery. The surgery is most cosmetic and is a routine, simple procedure. I will try to think as little about it until the day it happens! But I'd be lying if I said I'm not nervous or apprehensive. It is my baby girl! I still can not get the first look at her after her shunt surgery out of my mind! I greatly, hugely, enormously appreciate your prayers!!! Also, pray as we also introduce her brace in the next week or two!!!

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