Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Katie in her sweet adorable terrible twos

I am confident in God's plan for Katie!! If he doesn't heal her completely, it is because He has an even greater use for her. I have seen His miracles. I see a joy in Katie that is not of Earthly measures. If you have met Katie you know what I mean. Her strength is made perfect through her weaknesses by His power.

Katie will forever be a testimony of His faithfulness!!!
Just in case you do not know about my Katie yet, this is a recap.
Katie was born January 22, 2010 and at birth her head circumference was a little large. At 12 hours old after an ultrasound of her head, they reported that Katie had a stroke and had a severe brain bleed. She was in the NICU within an hour and they continued to run more tests. After a CTScan and MRI they determined Katie had a stroke 2-3 weeks in my womb before she was born. Katie had severe brain damage mostly on her right side which caused significant left sided weakness. Katie's vision was significantly impaired and we still do not know the quality of vision she has today. Katie's current diagnosis are cerebral palsey and visual impairment. Within the last 6 months Katie has made progress in leaps and bounds. She has started walking, then running, she has greatly improved communication skills, and wonderful cognitive skills, she is now paying attention to books and potty training. Last year Katie couldn't see across the room, drink from a cup or walk at all.
I praise God for her trials because I can see them shaping her into an amazing miracle and blessing who will change the lives of so many people. I thank God for my trials, I can see my wonderful, tremendous growth. Katie's life has changed my life forever!! Thank you God for the strength to survive these last two years!!
I would greatly appreciate your prayers and I have always seen and felt them renewed with each update. Katie needs prayer for her vision. She will need corrective eye surgery to fix her eye crossing. Please pray for the torturous eye patching that we are supposed to do every day for at least an hour. Pray that she leaves the patch on. Pray for her future ophthalmologist and neurologist Doctors appointments. Pray for improvement on her left side in strength, tone and coordination. Pray for pooping in the potty. (I have to add it in.) Continue praying for no seizures, because of her brain damage she is at high risk, but likelihood decreases with each day. Pray for her shunt, that it continues to work well and function properly. Pray for her dad and I to have patience, strength and energy to deal with Katie's persistent, high energy, highly opinionated and joyful personality.
I am thankful for so much, here are a few things!
I am thankful for Katie's unbelievable progress!
I am thankful for Katie's strong, caring, kind, competitive, never give up attitude!
I am thankful for an amazingly supportive family and friends!!
I am thankful that Katie can walk, talk, and see!!!!!
I am thankful for YOU!!!
I am thankful that you took the time to read this and pray for my Katie in the midst of her sweet adorable terrible twos!!!

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