Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keep Praying

I have a busy month ahead of me. I see all 5 of my Doctors within the next month. First the Pediatric Nuerologist, then Occupational Therapist, Nuerosurgeon, Optomologist and finally my pediatrician. I am getting stronger every day and seem to be on track in my gross motor skills. I can hold my head well and can lift it up 90 degrees when on my tummy. I can roll from my back to my side and back again. I have rolled from my tummy to my back once. My parents biggest concern are my eyes. They do weird movements and I still have trouble tracking. I have been told this is normal after a brain injury, but am looking forward to what the eye doctor has to say. I will keep you informed on what the doctors have to say! Thank you for your prayers!

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