Monday, November 4, 2013

The results of today's visit

The results of today's visit

We finally got an idea of where Katie's vision stands. At first she seemed to be uncooperative, but they started with smaller pictures and when she was cooperating she couldn't identify them, so she wasn't uncooperative, but she simply couldn't answer. Her vision is less than I expected, but I guess it is where I have observed it. She has trouble seeing across the classroom. If she is in unfamiliar environment her vision can be less. If there is too much sensory (people, chaos, noise, lights) then her vision can be less.
    Her vision was measured at 20/125. This measurement may not be totally accurate, but from what we see it probably is. Her vision should not get worse, it MAY get better, but it may stay the same. At 20/125 it is at is the line of legally blind. So, not the best news parents want to hear. We are thankful for her, her progress, and every other area of amazingness! She is leaps and bounds above where she "should be" with severe brain damage. So, what do we do- PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, and let her view the TV, phone, book, papers, ect from as close as she needs to, and maybe some large print at school. There is not much more humanly possible. 

Pray specifically for her vision to improve and for new pathways to be made in her brain for her vision. 

I have seen the miracle of prayer happen with Katie, so please please keep praying. Her brain (and therefore vision) can improve and make new connections and pathways for another 2-3 years. 

Thank you!!!!  

For the common questions-
Glasses won't help since the damage is the pathways in her brain and not her eyes. 
She can't learn Braille since she does have some vision. 
She will keep receiving vision therapy once a week at school. 

Information I found on line -->

Low Vision

Low vision is a partial loss of sight (also referred to as partially sighted or visually impaired). It is often a loss of visual acuity or sharpness, but may also be a loss of side vision or extreme difficulty with light or glare. Low vision exists when functional vision cannot be adequately corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medications or surgery.

Legal blindness

Legal blindness is a level of visual impairment that has been defined by law to determine eligibility for benefits.

The term Legally Blind identifies an individual whose central visual acuity is 20/125 or poorer in the eye with better vision when wearing best correction.


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